Lumi Experiences

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Highlights from Happy Moms & their Grown-up Kids

Leading up to Mother’s Day, we’re taking an opportunity to reflect on the special time that adult children and parents can spend together on a ski vacation. In a world with busy work schedules and obligations, time together is often squeezed into a meal, a weekend or the holidays. Recently, we have found that Lumi trips are increasingly popular for parents and their adult children. It’s rare that Moms or Dads can spend a dedicated week together with the grown up kids they once taught to ski.

The itineraries are planned and logistics are taken care of, so neither parent nor child has the responsibility of deciding which route to take, how to navigate transportation in a foreign country or even who is going to cook or wash dishes. We love seeing when Lumi guests can simply relax at the hotel bar before dinner in the evening and catch up with their loved ones without any responsibility – this is especially the case when it is parents and their adult children.

If you’d like to take a trip with parent(s) or kid(s) this winter, reach out by Father’s Day (Sunday, June 16) to reserve your spot on any 2025 Lumi trip that still has availability and save $300 / person! We’re always happy to share the detailed trip itinerary or help answer any questions too.

With Mother’s Day this Sunday, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of these fun memories:

Jeff and Kevin in the Val di Fiemme ski stadium, site of the cross country ski events for the 2026 Olympic Games, as they prepare for the Marcialonga

Check out Lumi’s 2023 blog post from Father’s Day for more inspiration and memories.

If you’d like to take a trip with parent(s) or kid(s) this winter, reach out by Father’s Day (Sunday, June 16) to reserve your spot on any 2025 Lumi trip that still has availability and save $300 / person! We’re always happy to share the detailed trip itinerary or help answer any questions too.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there,