A Case for Spring...

GS Turns on the Stubai Glacier, 9 May 2021.JPG

Fall is my favorite season. Hands down. The snow starts to fall, trails begin to reopen, race season is impending and the excitement on the trails is palpable. At the same time, daylight wanes quickly, loops are small and often on artificial snow and there’s a rigid training plan to follow. These are all strong cases for the benefits of spring skiing. In May, we’re only about a month away from the summer solstice. Hello, sunshine! You might need it when you hit the trail early while the snow is still fast. Maybe you’ll get outside again for an afternoon bike ride or run. Considering race season is still at least 8 months away, there’s a lot more time for general fitness and activities. And, the ski trails? You’ll probably have them all to yourself. I had that experience last weekend on the Stubai Glacier in Austria. The mountain was empty, save for a lucky few who had the mountain, snow and sunshine all to themselves. It’s all downhill from here!

See you on the trail,

Lumi Experiences - Spring Skiing over the Stubai Valley
Garrott Kuzzy