The Arc of a Lumi Trip
Bluebird skiing in Seiser Alm
Lumi’s Sight-Skiing trips to Austria & Italy, Norway and Slovenia are an opportunity to discover some of the best skiing and winter culture in Europe. While Lumi’s Worldloppet trips often build throughout the week with anticipation of crossing a finish line at the end of the week, the sight-skiing trips offer many of the same ski trails and cultural experiences, without the anticipation of putting on a bib at the end of the week.
All Lumi trips are meticulously designed to build throughout the trip, featuring lots of highlights along the way. In Norway, the trip finishes with skiing in Sjusjøen – a skiers Valhalla. In Slovenia it’s skiing in Planica – featuring views of a World Cup ski flying hill set in the craggy Julian Alps. In Italy, it’s skiing in Seiser Alm – a high-elevation plateau in the Dolomites, revered for its scenic cross-country and alpine skiing.
Sunset on the Seiser Alm trails
Whether it’s a Worldloppet trip or Sight-Skiing trip, from the start of a Lumi trip, lots of consideration is given to the daily details. Most guests fly to Europe from the United States or Canada and arrive with a bit of jet lag to overcome. On the Seefeld & Seiser Alm Sight-Skiing trip last week – Lumi’s first Sight-Skiing trip of 2025, conditions were ideal for the first day of the trip: fast snow and sunshine for a relatively easy and flat first ski in Leutash, Austria. With fresh snowfall the second day, the snow was a bit slower – excellent for steering Rodels (traditional wooden sleds) down the trail at a nearby alpine ski hill.
A snowy day for Rodeling in Austria
A great day for a big ski in Seefeld
By the end of the last full day in Seefeld, everyone had acclimated to the trails, set at a comfortable elevation of about 2,500 feet. I met up with the group in the evening for Austrian curling or "Eisstockschiessen". One of the guests asked me on their last day in Seefeld, “how could the skiing be any better?” I just smiled, knowing what they would experience when they arrived in Seiser Alm.
Traveling up to the Seiser Alm plateau the next day, to their accommodations surrounded by ski trails at over 5,000’, confirmed that there is more than one ski paradise in the Alps. Seiser Alm, nicknamed Seiser Awesome by Jessie Diggins, offered an opportunity for skiers to discover their Nordic Nirvana. As the sun set over the Dolomites on their last night, guests remarked on the immense sense of satisfaction they felt after a week of activity and skiing in the Alps.
Cin cin! Farewell dinner in Italy
Experience the arc of one of Lumi’s Sight-Skiing or Worldloppet trips next winter! Book your trip before March 31 and receive a $300 / person early booking discount. I look forward to having you experience some of the best ski trails in Europe.
See you on the trail,
Garrott Kuzzy
Founder & Olympian